Coretan Pemikiran

Nikmat yang paling berharga selepas Iman dan Islam, ialah sahabat yang soleh. -Umar alKhattab-

Aqlu Salim fi 'Ilm ma'a Fa'il

Once upon a time, a girl strutted down a windy path carrying with her a basket of sugar and sweets.
She was on her way to her cousins house.
She wore a pink turtleneck matched with a maroon khaki trousers, and she wore a white cap with a nice white scarf hanging loosely by her neck.
She was singing all the way.
Melalui cerita di atas, dapat ke antum bayangkan cerita dia tu?
Itu kalau dalam teks memang susah nak bayangkan, dahlah bosan!

Jadi, itu tugas otak kita untuk mentafsir cerita tu. Sebelum tu, mari kita tengok bahagian otak kita dulu.

So, this is our brain and each part of it plays an important role {notice the colored parts...}
Like what you can see, our mind is enclosed in this stuffed brain of ours the size of our two fists. And what's worse is, there's a solid barrier in it too, which explains why even a so-called genius person like Albert Einstein used only 0.5% of his mind potential capability!!

Hence, we need to B-R-E-A-K through this solid wall in order to unleash the POWER within.

Baik, ni cara mudah untuk menggambarkan cara minda kita berfikir secara literal.

Menarik kan?
Selalunya, apa yang menyebabkan kita ingat seseorang/sesuatu ialah gambaran paling jelas pada orang/benda tu.

Ana tau rupa ayah Syukri Shamsudin selepas ana berjumpa dengan dia masa percutian kelas 505 dulu (fuuuhh... rindunya...).
Kalau sebelum tu dia terangkan deskripsi ayah dia, penat gak minda ana nak tafsir benda tu.

This concept goes the same to everything!
History, Science, yadda3...

That, in the end, brings me an idea aka Ilham to share something I'm practicing now and then.


From simple one's like this,

to colorful and lively as this,

it helps to break that barrier troubling us.

Methodnya mudah je.

  1. Mula dari tengah
  2. Ada gambar
  3. Masukkan je apa yang terlintas dalam fikiran (asalkan kena dengan tajuk ye)
  4. Presto! Itulah peta minda "super"!

What are you waiting for?
Practice now for future benefit!!

And remember, theres no such things as complicated when it comes to the easy and linient MINDMAP!